Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от moooongirl

Reading Test
Task 1
Read the parts of the text and put them into the correct order.
A. When they reached the court, Lord Enibi and Judge Cadi were already there, talking and laughing together. As soon as the judge
saw the poor man, he shouted angrily, “You should be ashamed of
yourself! You have filled yourself up with the smells from Lord
Enibi’s restaurant. But you haven’t paid him a penny. Pay him at
once, do you hear!”
B. The poor man sighed. “Life is hard for people as poor as I am. Yesterday I was passing the restaurant owned by Lord Enibi. I stopped
for a moment because the food smelled so nice. Lord Enibi ran out
of the restaurant and said he had caught me swallowing the smell
of his food”.
C. In the north of China there lived Effendi Nasreddin. He was the
cleverest man for miles around and many people came to ask for
his advice. Once a poor man came to see him for just this reason.
He bowed very low and said: “I have a great favour to ask of you”.
“I shall be delighted if I can be of help to you. So tell me what I can
do”, replied the Effendi.
D. “Can you hear the money rattling, my lord?” said the Effendi.
“Don’t be silly! I’m not deaf, of course I can hear it”, replied Lord
Enibi crossly. “Excellent. I’m so glad that it settled. My brother
smelled your food cooking and now you have heard his money jingling. So that puts things straight between you”. And with that,
Effendi Nasreddin turned on his heel and gave the poor man his
arm. Together they walked out of the court.
E. The Effendi stepped forward and bowed the deepest of bows. “It so
happens that this poor man is my younger brother. He hasn’t
a cent, so I’ve come along to settle his debt”. Then he took the
purse that hung on his belt, held it up to Lord Enibi’s ear and
shook it till all the coins jingled inside.
F. “He handed me a bill, but I hadn’t a single penny to pay him. So he
took me to Judge Cadi. The judge is going to pass the sentence
today. Could you possibly come to the court with me and say something in my defence?”
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Русский язык - 5 лет назад

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