Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от bsa9a

Task Read the text. Mark the sentences TRUE or FALSE according to the context.
My dream job
When I was younger, it was so easy to choose my future profession. At the age
of 5 I wanted to be a shop-assistant in a candy store, at the age of 10 I was sure that!
would become a doctor. Now I am little bit confused. Well I passed few tests and
realized, that I can be good for few professions. First of all I would like to say that
perfect profession for me is not only good salary and career, but also my satisfaction. I
mean I can wake up every morning happy and full of energy to do my job. Also I would
like to have good colleagues and loyal head. So I am good for few jobs: economist,
secretary, Interpreter, logistic or programmer.
For now I really would like to be an interpreter. My English is really good. I can
study one more language at the university and I will be able to speak 3 languages
Another good thing about this profession is possibility to travel. I am really exciting
about it. Traveling can give us chance to explore the world and to open new horizons.
This is what I am looking for. New colleagues and people can always teach you some
new things. You can get great experience while communicating. And another good
thing is working with international companies. Just imagine, you may have a possibility
to work abroad with new technologies, to learn something new. It is also a possibility
to get promotion. The most important thing still is to be happy with your job. Then you
can solve any problems and get the best results in your team.
1. At the age of 5 I wanted to be a logistic or programmer.
2. At the age of 10 I wanted to be a doctor.
3. I am good for few jobs: economist, secretary, a shop-assistant in a candy store,
4. I am really good to speak 3 languages.
5. You can get great experience from new colleagues,​

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан sofi5614


    1. False


    3. False

    4. True

    5. True

    6. True

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Русский язык - 5 лет назад

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