Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от qabot

what is the history of Russian flag​

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан ecaeris


         The national flag of the Russian Federation is an upper white, middle blue, and lower red rectangular panel consisting of three horizontal stripes of the same size. The flag of the Russian Federation is established by the Federal constitutional law of December 25, 2000. The white-blue-red flag was awarded in 1896. On the eve of the coronation of Nicholas, it was officially approved as the national flag of Russia. Before that, the national flag of the Russian Empire was considered a black-yellow-white flag.

         The national flag of Russia is the 17th-18th period when Russia began to become a great state. It originated in the centuries and has a history of 300 years. The white-blue-red flag was first sent in the 17th century on the first Russian warship called the "eagle" during the time of the Tsar's father, the first Tsar Peter Alexey Mikhailovich. The official "father" of the Russian national flag was adopted as the 1st Peter. On January 20, 1705, Peter 1 issued a decree to send the flag to all merchant ships, personally prepared a sample of the flag and determined the location of the horizontal stripes. But at that time there was no exact drawing of the flag, and it was not yet the national Russian flag. White, blue and red colors were used more often than others in Russia. These three colors were the most preferred traditional colors of the Russian people. In Russia, since ancient times, these colors have had their own meanings: white-nobility and sincerity; blue - loyalty, honesty, perfection and chastity; red – courage, courage, generosity and love. Peter's national flag of Russia has the names "Besik" (white, blue, red)," tricolor " (three colors).


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