Размещено 3 года назад по предмету Английский язык от lenaivanova0100

1.) Write the Russian equivalents of these words and word combinations. A monitor, a magnet, a disc, a screen, a keyboard, a kilobyte, a mouse, a floppy disc, hardware, software, CD ROM, a disc drive, a hard disc, a printer, a Visual Display Unit. 2. Read the following definitions and match them with the words bellow. a) This is a control centre of the computer. All instructions and information entering the computer come here first and then are sent to the correct part of the computer for the processing. b) This is similar to a TV screen, but pictures are sharper. The output coming from the central processing unit is sent to here so that it can be seen by the operator. c) It allows the operator to type the information to be entered into the central processing unit. d) The output which is usually sent to the monitor can be also sent to here so that it can be stored on paper for future use. e) It is used to record data on or read data from a floppy disc. 1 – disc drive; 2 – printer; 3- Central Processing Unit (CPU); 4 – keyboard; 5 - monitor

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан dAlison


    1.) A monitor-монитор,  a magnet- магнит, a disc- диск, a screen- экран, a keyboard- клавиатура, a kilobyte- килобайт, a mouse- мышь, a floppy disc-дискета, hardware-аппаратное обеспечение , software-программное обеспечение , CD ROM-компакт-диск , a disc drive- дисковод, a hard disc-жесткий диск , a printer-принтер, a Visual Display Unit- блок визуального отображения.

    2.  a) This is a control centre of the computer. All instructions and information entering the computer come here first and then are sent to the correct part of the computer for the processing. -3- Central Processing Unit (CPU)

    b) This is similar to a TV screen, but pictures are sharper. The output coming from the central processing unit is sent to here so that it can be seen by the operator. - 5 - monitor

    c) It allows the operator to type the information to be entered into the central processing unit. - 4 – keyboard

    d) The output which is usually sent to the monitor can be also sent to here so that it can be stored on paper for future use. - 2 – printer

    e) It is used to record data on or read data from a floppy disc. 1 – disc drive


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