Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от DosikEpt

Ответьте быстрее пожалуйста. Focus 3 workbook, English

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан javaal

    4. Were you playing golf when you hurt yourself?

    5. I was swimming leisurely when suddenly someone jumped into the pool

    6 When Juliet got home Henry had already gone to the match

    1. I don't think my parents will let me go to the rugby championship on my own.

    2. The doctor has advised me to give up professional sport if I don't want to get injured seriously.

    3. Tim tends to gain weght easily, so he has to be very active to stay in shape.

    4. You really should stop wasting your time at table tennis practice.

    5. Everyone at the stadium expected their team to win the match.

    6. I can't help laughing when I see that video of me trying to learn to ski.

    1. I lost my favourite golf club [ C ] while travelling to Scotland last week.

    2. Tim and Liam have known each other for ages, but they have never got [ B ] on very well.

    3. Has the long [ A ] jump competition finished yet? Who's the winner?

    4. No one has managed to break [ C ] this world record for more than ten years.

    5. Jason nearly won the competition, but he came second [ B ].

    6. When we first started running together, I couldn't do [ C ] up with my sister.

    1. Joanna Smith is now an international star, but I remember when she became a member when she became a member of our local karate club.

    ( joined )

    2. If you ask me, golf is a very boring sport. ( I think that )

    3. The athletes complated the run and we were getting ready for the swimming race. ( After the athletes had completed the run )

    4. John is thinking about talking up a sport: rugby or squash. But he still hasn't decided which one to do. ( made up his mind )

    5. The local football team coach tries not to talk to the press after his team loses a match. ( avoids talking )

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Русский язык - 5 лет назад

Помогите решить тест по русскому языку тест по русскому языку «местоимение. разряды местоимений» для 6 класса 1. укажите личное местоимение: 1) некто 2) вас 3) ни с кем 4) собой 2. укажите относительное местоимение: 1) кто-либо 2) некоторый 3) кто 4) нам 3. укажите вопросительное местоимение: 1) кем-нибудь 2) кем 3) себе 4) никакой 4. укажите определительное местоимение: 1) наш 2) который 3) некий 4) каждый 5. укажите возвратное местоимение: 1) свой 2) чей 3) сам 4) себя 6. найдите указательное местоимение: 1) твой 2) какой 3) тот 4) их 7. найдите притяжательное местоимение: 1) самый 2) моего 3) иной 4) ничей 8. укажите неопределённое местоимение: 1) весь 2) какой-нибудь 3) любой 4) этот 9. укажите вопросительное местоимение: 1) сколько 2) кое-что 3) она 4) нами 10. в каком варианте ответа выделенное слово является притяжательным местоимением? 1) увидел их 2) её нет дома 3) её тетрадь 4) их не спросили


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