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Английский язык
от vicadordiak
2 Use the information to make an impossible past conditional sentence which has a result in the present. a Columbus 1492: 'Don't worry men, I've d Mrs Abraham Lincoln, April 1865: 'We went brought a map with me, so I know exactly to the theatre last night, and now my poor where we are. If I hadn't brought a map husband the President is dead, shot by lost! a political opponent. If we b Galileo 1640: 'I've explained my new ideas he to the Church, but now I'm in trouble! If alive today! I e Leonardo da Vinci, 1518: 'I've done a lot of !' things in my life, but perhaps I haven't spent c Marco Polo 1300: 'It's true, I have exaggerated enough time on my paintings. I didn't always and made up some of the descriptions in the manage to finish them, I'm afraid. If I book about my travels. I suppose that's why more of them people don't believe the true things. If f Napoleon, 1820, in exile on the island of St perhaps more people Helena: 'Looking back, I can see that invading Russia was a mistake. Without that, perhaps I wouldn't have lost the war. If I Russia, perhaps I I 1 Emperor of France!