Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от marinareles9

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct Active or Passive form. Wu Hailong, China’s Ambassador to the European Union, speaking about China’s reforms of the last two decades to improve global trade facilitatation: “We (to develop) __________ a new management concept to accelerate the reform of clearance supervision, and improve trade facilitation. On the basis of effective risk management, we (to introduce) __________ the system of “red and green channels” that (reduce) __________ clearance time for travelers and facilitated international business movement. Using targeted management, we (to divide) __________ businesses into different categories. Steady efforts (to make) __________ to provide faster clearance services to businesses with good record. According to statistics, in 2011, the average waiting time for an export clearance (to be) __________ 1.5 hours. Just over 99% of goods (to be) __________ now released within 24 hours. The waiting time for an import clearance (to average) __________ 17.9 hours, and 64% of goods (to release) __________ within 24 hours. This improved efficiency (to save) __________ import and export companies nearly 80 billion Chinese Yuan (approximately 12.6 billion US dollars) in costs.” (WCO NEWS) Complete the sentences using the words and expressions from the box. examination; prohibited; customs tariff; violation; punishment; weight, quantity, value; restrictions; cleared and released; assessment; importing or exporting; commodity; Customs authorities; origin and quality; 1. If your business involves__________or__________of goods, you will come into contact with __________ __________. 2. All goods must be __________ and presented for __________. 3. Declaring a __________ involves giving the Customs authorities information which they need in order to determine the correct __________ __________. 4. This information, which includes _________, __________, __________ etc. forms the basis for __________ of customs duties and taxes. 5. Some goods, for example foodstuff, clothes or flowers may be subject to __________, such goods as narcotics are __________ entry by law. 6. __________ of the regulations can result in severe __________. 7. The goods will not be __________ and __________ until cargo declaration, invoice, licenses, certificates of __________ and __________ have been presented.

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан ZnatokOtBoga


    Are developing; introduced; reduces; divided; are made; was; are; has averaged; were released; has saved.


    1. importing or exporting; Customs authorities

    2. ? ; examination

    3. commodity; customs tariff

    4. weight; quantity; value; assessment

    5. restrictions; prohibited

    6. violation; punishment

    7. cleared and released; origin and quality

    Во втором предложении второго задания по какой-то причине не подходит ни одно слово. Во-первых, они не подходят по смыслу, а во-вторых слова закончились (слов в задании на одно меньше, чем пропусков, поэтому не хватает).

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