Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от linalolo83

Complete the sentences to mean the same thing.
Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

He cleaned the windows and earned £20. (pay)
He was paid $20 for cleaning the windows.
1 ) She first met him twenty
years ago.
She____him for twenty years.(know)
2) It's not necessary for you to bring any money.
You____to bring any money.(need)
3) I can't repair the chair because I don't have any glue.
If I____ some glue, I could repair the chair.( have)
4) l learnt to swim when I was live.
I____since I was five.
5) What are your plans after you graduate?
What_____to do after you graduate?(go)
6) He says it would be good to include a covering letter.
He____a covering letter.(suggest,include)
7) The Queen opened the concert hall in 2009.
The concert hall____in 2009.
8) I had much longer hair when I was younger.
I____longer hair when I was younger.(used,have)
9) You can pay me back tomorrow.
You____pay me back now.
(not have to)
10) She started learning Russian two months ago.
She____Russian for two months.(learn)
11) Somebody had stolen his car so he phoned the police.
He phoned the police because his car____(steal).
12) My boss said I could leave work early.
My boss___me____work early.
13) She agreed to come to the wedding.
She____come to the wedding.
14) The photo was out of focus because I didn't use flash.
The photo would have been in focus if I____flash.(use)
15) They shouldn't be so careless.
They____more careful.

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан Soleil79


    He cleaned the windows and earned £20. (pay)

    He was paid $20 for cleaning the windows.

    1 ) She first met him twenty

    years ago.

    She___has known _him for twenty years.(know)

    2) It's not necessary for you to bring any money.

    You__don’t need__to bring any money.(need)

    3) I can't repair the chair because I don't have any glue.

    If I__had__ some glue, I could repair the chair.( have)

    4) l learnt to swim when I was live.

    I_have been able to swim___since I was five.


    5) What are your plans after you graduate?

    What___are you going__to do after you graduate?(go)

    6) He says it would be good to include a covering letter.

    He__suggests including __a covering letter.(suggest,include)

    7) The Queen opened the concert hall in 2009.

    The concert hall_was opened ___in 2009.


    8) I had much longer hair when I was younger.

    I__used to have__longer hair when I was younger.(used,have)

    9) You can pay me back tomorrow.

    You_don’t have to___pay me back now.

    (not have to)

    10) She started learning Russian two months ago.

    She_has been learning ___Russian for two months.(learn)

    11) Somebody had stolen his car so he phoned the police.

    He phoned the police because his car_was stolen ___(steal).

    12) My boss said I could leave work early.

    My boss_allowed__me__to leave__work early.


    13) She agreed to come to the wedding.

    She__said she could__ come to the wedding.


    14) The photo was out of focus because I didn't use flash.

    The photo would have been in focus if I__had used__flash.(use)

    15) They shouldn't be so careless.

    They_ought to be___more careful.



    1. Ответ на вопрос
      Ответ на вопрос дан linalolo83
      спасибо еще раз
    2. Ответ на вопрос
      Ответ на вопрос дан Soleil79
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