Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от akeshaha

Заполнить подходящими словами.
up comprises include consists composed constitute constitutes in make of

Benelux ... Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.
Romantic musicals ... a large part of Bollywood's output.
Young professionals ... up the majority of our members.
The high level of traffic on this road ... a real threat to cyclists.
What is now England was once made ... of seven separate kingdoms. Soil is ... of four major components: minerals, organic matter, water and air.
The process of caramelisation ... of heating sugar slowly to around 170 °C.
If you two can put in £5 each, I'll ... up the rest.
The building consists ... a central section and two wings. Its main advantage consists ... its simplicity.

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан YumenoHimiko

    1. Benelux comprises Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.

    2. Romantic musicals constitute a large part of Bollywood's output.

    3. Young professionals make up the majority of our members.

    4. The high level of traffic on this road constitutes a real threat to cyclists.

    5. What is now England was once made up of seven separate kingdoms.

    6. Soil is composed of four major components: minerals, organic matter, water and air.

    7. The process of caramelisation consists of heating sugar slowly to around 170 °C.

    8. If you two can put in £5 each, I'll make up the rest.

    9. The building consists of a central section and two wings.

    10. Its main advantage consists in its simplicity.

  2. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан Soleil79


    Benelux COMPRISES Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.

    Romantic musicals CONSTITUTE a large part of Bollywood's output.

    Young professionals MAKE up the majority of our members.

    The high level of traffic on this road CONSTITUTES a real threat to cyclists.

    What is now England was once made UP of seven separate kingdoms. Soil is COMPOSED of four major components: minerals, organic matter, water and air.

    The process of caramelisation CONSISTS of heating sugar slowly to around 170 °C.

    If you two can put in £5 each, I'll INCLUDE up the rest.

    The building consists OF a central section and two wings. Its main advantage consists  IN its simplicity.


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