Размещено 3 года назад по предмету Английский язык от maksskachedub0528

What are some activities or skills that were difficult for you at first, but are easy for you now (e.g., riding a bicycle)?
2) Do you agree that exercise improves your mood? Explain.
3) Do you think that exercise helps you study or solve problems more easily? Explain.

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан pugachevaiya


    Выберите вспомогательный глагол для следующих предложений:

    1.Who speaks French in your family? I ...a. have, b. do, c. am

    2.When buy the new TV-set? a. did, b. were, c. are

    3.We ...never been to London, a. had, b. were, c. have

    4.Where going when I met you last night? a. did, b. were, c. are

    5....your friend like to watch TV in the evening? a. do, b. does, c. is

    6.What are you doing? I ...reading a book, a. was, b. am, c. shall

    7.We thought they late, a. would, b. shall, c. will

    8.Many new buildings ...built in our town last year, a. had, b. are, c. were

    9.The letter ...sent tomorrow, a. will be, b. has, c. will

    Выберите правильную форму глагола для следующих предложений:

    10.The report... ready by 6 o'clock yesterday, a. was, b. has been, c. had been

    11.She usually bed very early, a. goes, b. has gone, c. going

    12.I ...Dick yesterday.

    a. haven't seen, b. hadn't seen, c. didn't seen

    13.Were you tired after the skiing trip yesterday? - Yes, I ...a. were, b. did, c. was

    14.When we came into the hall they ...this problem, a. were discussing, b. discussed, c. have discussed

    15.We ...from the Institute in five years.

    a. have graduated, b. graduated, c. shall graduate

    16.Don't go out. It ...hard.

    Дополнен 9 лет назад

    a. is raining, b. was raining, c. rains

    17.They ...the Institute three years ago.

    a. have entered, b. entered, c. had entered.

    18.Does the professor ...a lot of experiments? a. makes, b. make, c. made

    19.Did he ...the week-end in the country? a. spent, b. spend, c. spends

    20.I'll ring you up as soon as I ...home, a. came, b. come, c. shall come

    Какие вспомогательные глаголы будут употребляться для образования вопросительной формы следующих предложений:

    a. do, b. did, с. does, d. had

    21.First spring flowers appeared in the fields.

    22.Mary goes in the skiing.

    23.She had to miss the last lecture.

    24.I like skiing in the forest.

    Выберите английские эквиваленты для слов стоящих в скобках:

    25.At 7 o'clock yesterday I (ехал) to the station to catch the 7.15 train.

    a. was going, b. was gone, c. went

    26.The meeting (началось) at 5 o'clock. Has begun, b. began, c. was beginning

    27.I (не перевел) this article yet.

    a. have not translated, b. was not translating, c. did not translate

    28.She says that lectures on art (посещаются) by many students, a. were attended, b. are attended, c. are attending

    29.He (пришлось) read a lot of books to make this report, a. was able to, b. had to, c. was allowed to

    30.He said that he (учится) at the Institute, a. is studying, b. studies, c. studied

    31.1 shall not (не смогу) to go to the skateOrink with you tomorrow, a. be able, b. cannot, c. have

    32.He will (разрешат) to go in for sports again, a. be able, b. have, c. be allowed

    33.You (должны были) finish this work two weeks ago.

    Дополнен 9 лет назад

    a. had to be, b. had to, c. must be

    34.(Умеет) your friend speak French? a. can, b. may, c. must

    35.The academic year (закончится) we'll go to the country, a. is over, b. will be over, c. will have been over

    36.We thought that you (приняли) their invitation, a. had accepted, b. accepted, c. have accepted

    37.We were sure that you (будете принимать участие) in this sports events.

    a. will take part, b. would take part, c. would be taken

    38.He says that he (будет слушать) to the tape, a. will listen, b. would listen, c. will be listened

    39.Have you given them (какую-нибудь) work? a. some, b. any, c. something

    40.(Кто-то) rang you up.

    a. somewhere, b. everybody, c. somebody

    41.You can get this book (везде) .

    a. everywhere, b. somewhere, c. anywhere

    42.What language do you speak (лучше) English or French? a. better, b. worst, c. best

    43.The weather today is (хуже) than yesterday, a. worse, b. more, c. worst

    44.Is there (что-нибудь) on the table? a. anything, d. something, c. everything

    45.There is not (ничего) on the table, a. anything, b. nothing, c, something

    46.He saw (никого) .

    a. somebody, b. anybody, c. nobody

    47.You made (больше) mistakes in the test than I did. a. most, b. more, c. larger

    48.This is the monument I told you about. There are a lot of flowers around (него) .

    a. him, b. its, c. it

    49.(Его) task is the most difficult, a. his, b. him, c. its

    50.I read (их) report yesterday, a. theirs, b. their, c. them

    1. Ответ на вопрос
      Ответ на вопрос дан pugachevaiya
      Выберите вспомогательный глагол для следующих предложений:

      53.Have you heard the news ..?

      a. just, b. an hour ago, b. yet, d. last week

      54.I haven't seen my friend ...September, a. after, b. since, c. from, d. till

      55.We have seen the film ...we read the book, a. before, b. after, c. since

      56.I haven't finished my drawing ...a. yet, b. just, c. already

      57.I have ...been to London, a. never, b. since, c. now

      58.We had sent the letter ...we learnt the news, a. before, b. after, c. till
    2. Ответ на вопрос
      Ответ на вопрос дан pugachevaiya join (a. to equip, b. to become a member of, c. to speak loudly)

      72.favourable (a. necessary, b. good, c. up-to-date) resume (a. to be attentive, b. to stop, c. to begin again)
      Дополнен 9 лет назад
      Выберите правильную форму глагола для следующих предложений:

      74.We were watching TV while the children the garden, a. will be playing, b. played, c. were playing

      75.Oh, I'm sorry. I haven't at first. a. understanding, b. understood, c. understand
    3. Ответ на вопрос
      Ответ на вопрос дан pugachevaiya
      думаю достаточно а то у меня их 99
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Русский язык - 5 лет назад

Помогите решить тест по русскому языку тест по русскому языку «местоимение. разряды местоимений» для 6 класса 1. укажите личное местоимение: 1) некто 2) вас 3) ни с кем 4) собой 2. укажите относительное местоимение: 1) кто-либо 2) некоторый 3) кто 4) нам 3. укажите вопросительное местоимение: 1) кем-нибудь 2) кем 3) себе 4) никакой 4. укажите определительное местоимение: 1) наш 2) который 3) некий 4) каждый 5. укажите возвратное местоимение: 1) свой 2) чей 3) сам 4) себя 6. найдите указательное местоимение: 1) твой 2) какой 3) тот 4) их 7. найдите притяжательное местоимение: 1) самый 2) моего 3) иной 4) ничей 8. укажите неопределённое местоимение: 1) весь 2) какой-нибудь 3) любой 4) этот 9. укажите вопросительное местоимение: 1) сколько 2) кое-что 3) она 4) нами 10. в каком варианте ответа выделенное слово является притяжательным местоимением? 1) увидел их 2) её нет дома 3) её тетрадь 4) их не спросили


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