Размещено 3 года назад по предмету Английский язык от Kamilashy

Task 1. Read the conversation and answer the questions.

– Hi! I haven’t seen you for ages. Where have you been? You look relaxed and happy!

–– Thanks! I had a really great holiday in Madrid, Spain. I had a choice: Paris or Rome. I`ve always wanted to visit the USA but this time I preferred Madrid.

– Oh, you are a lucky person! When did you go there?

– I left for Madrid on Friday. I arrived in Madrid on the 3rd of May.

– How did you get there and how long did it take?

– I got there by plane. It took me 6 hours. The flight was a little tired.

-- Did you fly by Spanish airlines?

-- I got the tickets from Delta Airlines. It was not the first time when I fly with them. Delta is a reliable company. They always pay attention to your requests. As for me I prefer a seat near the front of the plane. This time I again asked for such a place regarding my flight. They satisfied my request. Their food is always tasty too.

– Who did you travel with?

– I traveled with my close friend. We had a nice time there.

– Where did you stay and how long?

– We stayed at the hostel on the downtown for two weeks. We spent there 14 days.

– What did you like in Madrid most of all?

– The national dishes are wonderful there. We really liked beautiful sightseeing and nature. The quality of service was on the high level, too. But except Madrid we visited Barcelona and La Sagrada Familia there is the best I`ve ever seen.

--- Whats’ that?

--- It’s a The Temple of the Holly Family in Barcelona. This building is famous as one of the best projects of Antonio Gaudi.

--- And who is Antonio Gaudi?

----Mary, I think that you should go to Spain. You know almost nothing about this country. Gaudi is the most famous Spanish architect.

---- I see. I would love to visit Spain some day. Would you like to visit Madrid again?

– We really enjoyed our trip and, of course, we would like to visit this place again.

Answer the questions: 1.What this talk is about? 2. What famous person are they talking about? What is he? 3. What cities were visited?

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    Ответ на вопрос дан ktoimanova0




    we are talking about a trip to Spain. they talk about Antonio Gaudi, who is a famous architect. Madrid, Barcelona.

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