Размещено 3 года назад по предмету Английский язык от abdykerimovmarat251

Find the mistakes and correct them. Some sentence are correct.

1) Naryn River is 807 kilometers long.

2) The Capri Island is in Italy.

3) The Arabian sea is a warm sea.

4) The river Nile is in the beautiful continent of Africa.

5) The lake Issyk-Kul means warm lake.

2. Put in the or zero article(0)

1) ____ Northern Europe

2)____ Republic of Azerbaijan

3)____ Madrid

4)____ Asia

5)____ Moscow

was work read find send

3. Fill in the gaps with the verbs from the box using the Past Simple.

a) My father ____ a newspaper yesterday evening.

b) I____ a text message to my friend.

c) Meerim____ a good student at school.

d) He____ is his fathers company.

e) Timur____ a watch in the street yesterday.

4. Complete the question in the past simple.

1) Did you live in Turkey in 2005? (you/ live in Turkey)

2) Where_________________? ( you/ be/ yesterday)

3) ______________________ five years ago? (she/ be/ in London)

4) What time_______________? (Shamil and Azamat/ come to school)

5) When__________________? (it/ rain)

5. Choose the correct adjectives.

1) It can be tired / tiring to get to the top of the mountain.

2) Do you feel tired / tiring in thee evening?

3) My teacher was pleased / pleasing with my hard work .

4) Its pleased / pleasing with my hard work.

5) Its surprised / surprising to see John listening to classical music . What’s happened to him?​

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан nino2004gelashvili26

    1) Naryn River is 807 kilometres long.

    2) The Capri island is in Italy.

    3) The Arabian sea is warm sea.

    4)  The River Nile is in the beautiful continent of Africa.

    5) The lake Issyk-Kul means "warm lake''.

    1) the Northern Europe

    2)the Republic of Azerbaijan

    3)the Madrid

    4)the Asia

    5)the Moscow

    a) My father read a newspaper yesterday evening.

    b) I sent a text message to my friend.

    c) Meerim was a good student at school.

    d) He works is his fathers company.

    e) Timur found a watch in the street yesterday.

    1. Ответ на вопрос
      Ответ на вопрос дан nino2004gelashvili26
      I'll write
    2. Ответ на вопрос
      Ответ на вопрос дан nino2004gelashvili26
      1) Did you live in Turkey in 2005? (you/ live in Turkey)
      2) Where were you yesterday? ( you/ be/ yesterday)
      3)did she live in London five years ago? (she/ be/ in London)
      4) What time did Shamil an Azamat come to school? (Shamil and Azamat/ come to school)
      5) When did it rain ? (it/ rain)
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