Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от ProstoJulia

1. Прочитайте текст.


Dear Kids,

Here is the story I promised to write to you. Imagine a lot of snow, ice, sun and cold all in one place. It’s called Antarctica! And it is the coldest part of the world. It is also the highest and the windiest. There are a lot of mountains and icebergs in Antarctica. Do you know what icebergs are like? They are large and beautiful pieces of ice like mountains made from glass and snow.

Scientists (ученые) from different countries stay here for short periods of time. Usually they live in special stations.

There are some unusual (необычные) birds that live in Antarctica. They are called penguins. They are quite big birds but they can’t fly at all. But they are excellent swimmers and divers. While the penguins’ mums spend the winter at sea, their dads take care of (заботятся) the eggs for nine weeks. During this time they don’t eat or drink. For extra warmth (тепло) these brave and strong birds live in big groups. Together they try to keep their children out of the cold air and wind.

The blue whale (кит) lives in Antarctica too. It is the largest animal in the world. But I will write you about them in my next story.

Send your letters to our magazine. Ask me as many questions a you can and I’ll try to answer them all.

Diana Right


2. Найдите в тексте следующие выражения.


1. самая  холодная часть  мира

2. необычные птицы

3. отличные ныряльщики

4. дополнительное тепло

5. защищать детёнышей от холодного воздуха и ветра.




3. Выберите правильный ответ на вопрос.


What is this text about?


A. an English correspondent

B. young scientists

C. an unusual land



4. Закончите предложения, выбрав правильный вариант из предложенных.


1. Antarctica is the coldest and...


A.  the wettest place in the world.

B. the windiest place in the world.

C. the sunniest place in the world.

2. Scientists live in Antarctica...


A. all the year round.

B. for a short period of time.

C. for a long period of time.


3. In penguin families …


A. the mums look after (присматривать) the eggs

B. the dads look after the eggs

C. the mums and dads look after the eggs together.




5. Прочитайте предложения. Отметьте предложения, которые соответствуют (T-true) и не соответствуют тексту (F-false).



1. Diana wrote a letter to the children about an unusual land.

2. You can’t see any any mountains or hills in Antarctica.

3. The largest animal in the world lives in Antarctica.

4. Penguins can’t swim but they can fly.

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан appleseen
    2) 1. самая  холодная часть  мира - the coldest part of the world

    2. необычные птицы - unusual birds

    3. отличные ныряльщики - excellent divers

    4. дополнительное тепло - extra warmth

    5. защищать детёнышей от холодного воздуха и ветра - keep the children out of the cold air and wind

    3) C. an unusual land

    4) 1-b; 2-b; 3-b.

    5) 1-T; 2-F; 3-T; 4-F.

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