Размещено 4 года назад по предмету
Английский язык
от moltoevaajdana2009
7 8 a) A young woman ate an apple and fell asleep for a long time. She woke up when a prince kissed her. b) The old man came home and told his wife about the golden fish. The old woman became very angry. c) The boy's parents sent him a camera gun. The boy gave it to his friend Sharik and Sharik took a lot of pictures of animals. d) The boy studied in Hogwarts. Once he read a magic map and found a secret room. e) The old man gave the ABC book to a wooden boy. The boy sold the book and bought a ticket for the puppet show. f) He wore a hat and tall boots. He helped his owner to become rich and get married. g) Two friends drank a magic syrup in dangerous situations and became very strong. h) A boy found a jar. He cleaned it and saw a genie.