Размещено 3 года назад по предмету Английский язык от 12300211

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    Ответ на вопрос дан twixxsci


    We all eat food, but many do not know how to eat properly, so as not to harm health.This is very important, because you can not joke with health and then what to do for good health and proper nutrition?So I want to talk and share their arguments from the pros to the cons.

    And so, the advantages first include that it is useful for health.Yes, it is natural, especially fruit and vegetables.They contain a huge amount of various vitamins that improve the body itself,but you should not eat the same thing every day.And it is not only found in them,but also in meat, seafood, proteins and nuts.Secondly, a healthy diet makes us more beautiful not only our body inside, but also outside.As the skin improves and you become more active.Third, proper nutrition, as a reduction in salt intake, will get rid of excess intercellular fluid, and, as a result, from edema. Giving up sugar is another significant plus for the health of the body.And you feel refreshed.But what does the cons include?

    As everyone has already understood, it also has disadvantages.For example, first of all, a lack of proper nutrition is called tasteless food. Indeed, if you consider that a person has always eaten harmful foods rich in flavor enhancers and spices, then foods prepared in the right ways may seem tasteless.Secondly, it is not suitable for everyone.That is, not all people are ready to keep in discipline and eat only the right food, someone can have breakdowns,and this is really terrible.

    Summing up, I want to say that for someone right nutrition can be a difficult decision and for someone good.Therefore, choose in your own way and on your body.If you want to eat right,then step forward!

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Русский язык - 5 лет назад

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