Размещено 3 года назад по предмету Английский язык от nss13

Exercise 3. Complete the information about Facebook with forms of the verb TO BE.

The friendly face of Facebook

Millions of people (1) are on Facebook every day and now it (2)is__ a multi-billion dollar American company. It (3) _is___ a website for friends, but they (4) __arent__ not only American. They (5) __are__ from all over the world. So (6) _is___ Facebook a friendly company? Mark Zuckerberg, the company CEO, tells us more…
Interviewer: So where (7) ____ your company exactly?
Zuckerberg: It’s in Palo Alto, California.
Interviewer: You (8) ____ a CEO, so are you at work all the time?
Zuckerberg: Yes, I (9) ____, but my work colleagues (10) ____ also my friends. For example, Dustin Moskovitz, Head of Engineering, (11) ____ a friend from college. And Adam D’Angelo (12) ____ my Chief Technology Officer, we (13) ____ old friends from school.

ПР02. Work duties. Job hunting.
ПР02. Должностные обязанности. Поиск работы.

Exercise 4. Сomplete the sentences with the words and phrases in the correct form.

1. Sam ____________ 2000$ a week. 2. I don’t like the working hours in my company, so I have to ____________.
3. My husband _____________ a big international company.
4. Stella is ______________ of a big department.
5._____________in our office are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
6. My job ____________ organizing meetings.
7. John is _______________ for computers in our office.
8. Jill is often late for work and I have to ____________ her.
9. Every year our team gets a ___________ for the good job.
10. My sister ________________ a small shop in the suburbs of the city.
11. People ___________ at the age of 60 or 65 in Russia.
12. Doctors often do _____________.
13. She is the best person in the department and our boss wants to __________ her.
14. At the end of the month we have a lot of reports to make, so we have to work _________________ in order to meet ____________.
15. Students in Europe often take ________________ to get some pocket money.

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан AnastasiiaS21


    7. is

    8. are

    9. am

    10. are

    11. is

    12. is



    1. earns

    2. quit

    3. owns

    4. a head

    5. Working hours

    6. is

    7. responsible

    8. cover

    9. bonus

    10. runs

    11. retire

    12. blood tests

    13. promote

    14. Hard

    15. the deadline

    16. part time job

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