Размещено 5 лет назад по предмету
Английский язык
от danpotapov
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2. Из четырех вариантов (А), (В), (С), (D) выберите единственно правильный:
It happened on a crowded bus 1 the rush hour. A boy of about
twelve sat by the window, watching the changing scenery and pretending
2 the old men and women standing near him.
3 A distinguished-looking gentleman
you 5 pounds will you stand up and _
_ the boy: — If I
your seat?
— Sure! — answered the boy, smiling.
The man took _6 out of his pocket and handed it to the boy. The
boy took the money and stood up at once.
— The seat is 7 ! — said the man to an elderly lady standing
8 to him.
She blushed and answered:
— Thank you very much, but I can't possibly take the seat for which you
have paid 9 !
— 10 about that, Madam. You see, I'm an old teacher. I have
given the boy some money to teach him a lesson. 11 is too expensive!
The lady sat down and asked the boy:
— I say, Bob, have you thanked the gentleman _
gave you?