Размещено 3 года назад по предмету
Английский язык
от beelimealabuka90
SS a) If you get up early, you can do more things you have planned for the day. SS b) For example, most successful people report that they get up early in the morning. TS c) Getting up early has several advantages. SS d) Getting up early gives you more time to do exercise. a) Horses can sleep both lying down and standing up. b) Horses are interesting animals. c) Newborn horses can run shortly after birth. d) Studies have shown that horses have uxoellent memorius. a) Helping my parents has taught me a lot in my life. b) I have become responsible because I take care or my little brothers and sisters. c) Now I am better organized as I have to do a lot of things. d) I have learned how to do many things that will help me