Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от Annaverdiyan

Помогите вставить правильные слова, пожалуйста!
1  Fill in with the past simple or the past continuous.
Simon 1) •••  (walk) home from work the otherday when he  2) •••(notice) something shining on the other side of the road. A car 3)  •••(come) down the street, so he waited until it had driven past. Then he 4) •••(cross) over. When he 5) ••• (get) to the other side, he saw that there was a shiny gold coin on the road! He 6) ... (look) around to make sure no one 7) ... (watch) him. Then, he 8) ...(bend) down to pick it up. Imagine his surprise when he 9) •••(not/can) move it! He 10) ....(be) just about to give up when he 11)  ••• (hear) a strange sound behind him. Someone 12) •••(laugh) at him, but he couldn't see who it 13) ...(be). Two little boys 14) . (hide) behind a hedge, laughing at anyone who tried to pick up the coin they had stuck to the road with glue!2. Put the verb in appropriate past form.In 1912, a passenger steamship called the Titanic 1) •••  (sail) across the  Atlantic Ocean from  England to America. A bright moon 2)  . ... (shine) and a gentle breeze 3) ...(blow). The ship 4) .... (sail) for four days and was now more than halfway towards its destination - New York City. Some passengers 5) ...(sleep) in their cabins while others 6) ...(relax) on deck, when suddenly they all 7) ... (hear) a loud bang. Those sitting on deck 8)  (jump up) 9) .. (run) to  the railing of the ship, and 10) ...(look) over the side. To their horror, they saw  that   they  11) (hit) an iceberg which 12) .... (tear) a hole in the side of the ship. Water was pouring into the ship at an alarming rate. There were not enough lifeboats on the ship and tragically more than 1,500 people lost their lives that night. The sinking of the Titanic remains the most infamous sea disaster in history.

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан galina572319

    1) was walking

    2) noticed

    3) was coming

    4) crossed 

    5) got

    6) looked

    7) was watching 

    8) bent 

    9) couldn't

    10) was

    11) heard

    12) was laughing 

    13) was

    14) were hiding

    Задание №2

    1) was sailing 

    2) was shining 

    3) was blowing

    4) was sailing

    5) were sleeping

    6) were relaxing 

    7) heard 

    8) jumped up

    9) ran

    10) looked

    11) hit

    12) tore

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