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Английский язык
от sanlial
переделать в косвенную речь 1 Anna said to me, " Leave me a note before you start for Moscow, please." 2 I said to him, "Did you have any diffculty in solving the problem?" 3 Martin said to us, "I am busy this week. I cannot join you. Ring me up, please, next week." 4 The teacher told us, "You can go home now; the lessons are over." 5 "Don't keep me wait for you long,' Peter said to his friend. 6 "It is getting colder and soon it may snow," the farmer said to his son. 7 "Help, children, to pick the apples," asked the gardener. 8 The man said, "It was very dark last night." 9 "What don't you understand?' the teacher asked us.