Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от Монюня

Напишите, пожалуйста, сообщение о А.С.Пушкине на английском языке. 6-9 предложений.

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    Ответ на вопрос дан DoM1HaToP
    The great Russian poet, prose writer, playwright, publicist, critic.
    Was born may 26 (6 June) in Moscow, in a German settlement. Educated French гувернерами of home schooling has passed only excellent knowledge of French and a love of reading.
    In 1811 Pushkin joined the newly outdoor Tsarskoselsky Lyceum. After graduation from the Lyceum in June 1817 in the rank of the collegiate Secretary Pushkin was determined to serve in the College of foreign Affairs, where not worked a day, completely surrendering creativity. To this period belong the poem «Liberty», «To Chaadayev», «Village», «On Arakcheev».
    Even before graduation from the Lyceum in 1817, he began to write the poem «Ruslan and Lyudmila», from which he graduated in March, 1820
    In may, he was exiled to the South of Russia that «overran Russia outrageous verses». In July 1823 Pushkin was transferred under the count Vorontsov, and he moved to Odessa. In Michael, when he was expelled in 1824, Pushkin was formed as an artist-realist: continued writing «Eugene Onegin», began «Boris Godunov», he has written the poems «Davidov», «Vorontsov», «On Alexander I and others
    17 December, 1825 learns about the Decembrists ' revolt and the arrest of many of his friends. Fearing a search, he destroyed autobiographic notes that, according to him, «could mix of many and, may be, multiply the number of victims».
    In 1828 willfully went to Caucasus. Impressions from this trip transferred in his essay, «Journey to Arzrum», poems «Caucasus», «Collapse», «On the hills of Georgia».
    In 1830, a cholera epidemic has forced him for a few months stay in Boldino. This period of creativity of the poet is known as «Boldino autumn». In Boldin written such works as «the Story of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin,» «Little tragedies», «little House in Kolomna», «Skazka o Pope I o rabotnike ego Balde», the poem «Elegy», «Demons», «Forgiveness», and many other ended, «Eugene Onegin».
    In the summer of 1831, he came back to government service in the Foreign College with the right of access to the state archives. Started to write a «History of Pugachev», historic study «History of Peter I».
    Last years of his life Pushkin were in a difficult situation all обострявшихся relations with the king and hostility to the poet influential circles of the court and bureaucratic aristocracy. But, although in such circumstances creative work could not be more intense in recent years written «Queen of spades», «Egyptian nights», «the captain's daughter», the poem «the bronze horseman», a fairy tale.
    At the end of 1835 Pushkin received permission to publish their magazine, named «Sovremennik».
    In the winter of 1836, envious enemies Pushkin of the highest aristocracy floated the vile slander about the relationship between his wife Natalya Nikolaevna with J. Dantes. Pushkin called Dantes to a duel that took place on 27 January (8 February) 1837 on the Black river. The poet was mortally wounded.
    Fearing demonstrations, the Tsar ordered to secretly take the body of Pushkin in St. Petersburg.
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