Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от Вера2002года

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 Ariau Towers Hotel.
a holiday in the Amazon rainforest like? Well, come to Ariau Towers
Hotel in Brazil and find out! The hotel is next to the beautiful Rio
Negro, or “black river”, and it is 60km from Manaus, the largest city in
theAmazon. But it’s not the location that makes the hotel unique. The
hotel is 10-20 metres above the rainforest floor. That’s right, it’s a
hotel in the trees! The hotel has got eight large wooden towers with
rooms for guests and many small tree houses. Eight kilometres of bridges
join the different areas of the hotel. So, when guests at Ariau want
breakfast, they don’t go downstairs.They have to leave their rooms and
walk along small wooden bridges to the Ariau restaurant! So, what can
you do high up in the trees in the Amazon rainforest? Well, like any
normal hotel, Ariau has got big swimming pools, an Internet café and
shops. And simply walking around the hotel is like being in a huge zoo!
You can watch the colourful parrots and monkeys in the trees of the
rainforest. Then there are extraordinary activities for guests to try.
Guests can swim with dolphins, take aboat ride to see alligators or go
on a rainforest tour and learn which plants they can use as medicine. At
the end of the day, guests can have dinner in one of the hotel’s
restaurants and they can try lots of delicious Brazilian meals. After
dinner is a good time for guests to have a coffee in a tree-top café and
watch the wildlife. Guests can sit outside, but they have to watch out
for the playful monkeys. They like to eat the hotel food too! At Ariau
Towers, the staff want guests to feel welcome and have an amazing
experience. Experienced staff that speak many different languages also
teach guests about the importance of the environment and wildlife.
Guests at Ariau have a great time. They can also learn something if they
want, too! 

 1 The hotel is special because

 a. it is in a very big city.

b. it is floating on a river.

c. it is in the rainforest.

d. it is high up in the forest trees.

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    Ответ на вопрос дан MrsAK

    d. it is high up in the forest trees.                     
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