Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от 1Karim1

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After the age of 11, most children go to comprehensive schools of which the majority are for both boys and girls. About 90 per cent of all state-financed secondary schools far of this type. Most other children receive secondary education in grammar and secondary modern schools. Comprehensive schools were introduced in 1965. The idea of comprehensive education, supported by the Labour Party, was to give all children of whatever background the same opportunity in education. At 16 students in England and Wales take the GCSE examinations. In 1988 these examinations replacedthe GCE and O-levels which were usually passed by about 20 per cent of school students of all levels of ability in any of a range of subjects, and may involve a final examination, and assessment of workdone by the student during the two-year course, or both of these things. Some comprehensive schools, however, do not have enought academic courses for sixth-formers. students can transfer either to a grammar school or to a sixth-form college to get the courses they want. At 18 some students take A-levels GCE examination, usually in two or three subjects. It is necessary to have A-levels in order to go to a university or Polytechnic. But some pupils want to stay on at  school after taking their GCSE, to prepare for a vocational course of for work rather than for A-levels examinations. Then they have to take the CPVE examination which means the CERTIFICATE OF PRE-Vocational Education. In Scotland students take the SCE examinations. A year later, they can go straight o a university. Secondary education in Northern Ireland is organized along selective lines according to childrens abilities. One can hardly say that high loss of pupils you are a working-class child at school today, the chance of your reaching the second year of a sixth-form course is probably less than that for the child of a professional parent. Besides, goverment cuts on school spending caused many difficulties

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Русский язык - 5 лет назад

Помогите решить тест по русскому языку тест по русскому языку «местоимение. разряды местоимений» для 6 класса 1. укажите личное местоимение: 1) некто 2) вас 3) ни с кем 4) собой 2. укажите относительное местоимение: 1) кто-либо 2) некоторый 3) кто 4) нам 3. укажите вопросительное местоимение: 1) кем-нибудь 2) кем 3) себе 4) никакой 4. укажите определительное местоимение: 1) наш 2) который 3) некий 4) каждый 5. укажите возвратное местоимение: 1) свой 2) чей 3) сам 4) себя 6. найдите указательное местоимение: 1) твой 2) какой 3) тот 4) их 7. найдите притяжательное местоимение: 1) самый 2) моего 3) иной 4) ничей 8. укажите неопределённое местоимение: 1) весь 2) какой-нибудь 3) любой 4) этот 9. укажите вопросительное местоимение: 1) сколько 2) кое-что 3) она 4) нами 10. в каком варианте ответа выделенное слово является притяжательным местоимением? 1) увидел их 2) её нет дома 3) её тетрадь 4) их не спросили


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