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Составить 15 предложений с Present Perfect Continuous на утверждения, отрицание и вопрос

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    Ответ на вопрос дан slava09031212

    15 предложений с использованием Present Perfect Continuous в утвердительной, отрицательной и вопросительной формах:

    1. (+) I have been studying English for three years.

      (-) I haven't been studying Spanish for very long.

      (?) Have you been studying French recently?

    2. (+) She has been working on this project since last month.

      (-) She hasn't been working on any other projects lately.

      (?) Has she been working on this project alone?

    3. (+) They have been traveling around Europe for the past two weeks.

      (-) They haven't been staying in one place for too long.

      (?) Have they been enjoying their trip so far?

    4. (+) He has been practicing the piano every day.

      (-) He hasn't been neglecting his daily piano practice.

      (?) Has he been improving his piano skills?

    5. (+) We have been planning this event for months.

      (-) We haven't been making last-minute changes to the plan.

      (?) Have you been helping with the event planning?

    6. (+) The children have been playing in the park for hours.

      (-) The children haven't been watching television all day.

      (?) Have the children been behaving well in the park?

    7. (+) It has been raining heavily since yesterday.

      (-) It hasn't been snowing, even though it's cold outside.

      (?) Has it been raining continuously?

    8. (+) My neighbors have been renovating their house for weeks.

      (-) My neighbors haven't been bothering us with the noise.

      (?) Have your neighbors been making good progress with the renovation?

    9. (+) The company has been expanding its business overseas.

      (-) The company hasn't been focusing on the domestic market.

      (?) Has the company been successful in its overseas expansion?

    10. (+) The team has been training hard for the upcoming tournament.

       (-) The team hasn't been slacking off during practices.

       (?) Has the team been improving its performance?

    11. (+) The doctor has been researching this rare disease for years.

       (-) The doctor hasn't been working on any other research projects.

       (?) Has the doctor been making any breakthroughs in the research?

    12. (+) The artists have been collaborating on a new project.

       (-) The artists haven't been working on solo projects recently.

       (?) Have the artists been creating something innovative?

    13. (+) The students have been preparing for their final exams.

       (-) The students haven't been procrastinating their studies.

       (?) Have the students been feeling confident about their exams?

    14. (+) The chefs have been experimenting with new recipes.

       (-) The chefs haven't been sticking to the old menu.

       (?) Have the chefs been receiving positive feedback on the new dishes?

    15. (+) The activists have been campaigning for social justice.

       (-) The activists haven't been ignoring the important issues.

       (?) Have the activists been making progress in their cause?

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