Размещено 3 месяца назад по предмету Английский язык от sonyaf0

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1. Choose the correct answer.
1 Drinks and snacks serve / are served in the buffet car.

2 We gave / were given our boarding passes at the check-in desk.

3 The passenger wore / was worn his seatbelt.

4 The flight attendant has made / has been made a mistake with my change.

5 The waiting room is cleaning / is being cleaned.

6 They had arranged / had been arranged to meet us in the arrivals hall.

7 A new airport has built / has been built in the city.

8 All flights to Scotland will cancel / will be cancelled tomorrow.

2. Complete the sentences with the passive form of the verbs in brackets. Use the correct tense.
1 Each year, thousands of suitcases ………………………. (lose) by different airlines.

2 Kay is pleased because her favourite perfume ………………………. (reduce) in the duty-free shop.

3 We waited until the departure gate ………………………. (announce).

4 The hard shoulder ………………………. (close) next week for emergency repairs.

5 They ………………………. (stop) at passport control last night.

6 The ticket office ………………………. (use) by millions of passengers every week.

7 George couldn’t find his bag because it ………………………. (steal).

8 You ………………………. (take) to the airport tonight by taxi.

3. Complete the second sentence with the correct form of the passive. Use by where necessary.
1 Charles Dickens wrote Oliver Twist.

Oliver Twist ………………………………….. .

2 Vandals have damaged the petrol station.

The petrol station ………………………………….. .

3 They will add four more carriages to the train at the next station.

Four more carriages ………………………………….. .

4 Someone had left the bag at baggage reclaim.

The bag ………………………………….. .

5 Low-cost airlines sell many cheap flights.

Many cheap flights ………………………………….. .

6 They are repairing the tracks so there aren’t any trains.

The tracks ………………………………….. .

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан Brolef

    Choose the correct answer.

    1. Drinks and snacks are served in the buffet car.
    2. We were given our boarding passes at the check-in desk.
    3. The passenger wore his seatbelt.
    4. The flight attendant has made a mistake with my change.
    5. The waiting room is being cleaned.
    6. They had arranged to meet us in the arrivals hall.
    7. A new airport has been built in the city.
    8. All flights to Scotland will be cancelled tomorrow.

    Complete the sentences with the passive form of the verbs in brackets. Use the correct tense.

    1. Each year, thousands of suitcases are lost by different airlines.
    2. Kay is pleased because her favorite perfume has been reduced in the duty-free shop.
    3. We waited until the departure gate was announced.
    4. The hard shoulder will be closed next week for emergency repairs.
    5. They were stopped at passport control last night.
    6. The ticket office is used by millions of passengers every week.
    7. George couldn’t find his bag because it had been stolen.
    8. You will be taken to the airport tonight by taxi.

    Complete the second sentence with the correct form of the passive. Use by where necessary.

    1. Oliver Twist was written by Charles Dickens.
    2. The petrol station has been damaged by vandals.
    3. Four more carriages will be added to the train at the next station.
    4. The bag had been left at baggage reclaim.
    5. Many cheap flights are sold by low-cost airlines.
    6. The tracks are being repaired so there aren't any trains.
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