Размещено 8 месяцев назад по предмету
Английский язык
от sezimavtandilova1603
2") 2. Read the text again and answer the questions. 1) Why isn't Aigul going out? a) The weather's bad. b) She has an appointment. c) She's going to have a party. 2) What does Aibek think might happen? a) The weather will get worse. b) The sun will come out later. c) It'll get colder soon. 3) What's Aigul going to do soon? a) Go to work b) Make lunch c) Have a a party 4) Why does Aibek change his mind about making pizza for the party? a) He doesn't have all the ingredients necessary. b) He's nervous about Kamila. c) He can't come to the party. 5) What's the theme of the party? a) There's no theme. b) The theme is "Spiderman and other superheroes". c) It's David's birthday party.