Размещено 7 месяцев назад по предмету Английский язык от a80799775


dim easy










scarce widespread





1. The terms and conditions on the contract are ambiguous. clear

2. According to the people who knew him, he was a very awkward person to work with.

3. I had never seen a dancer who was so clumsy.

4. The changes he made were beneficial to the organisation as a whole.

5. We need exact figures before we decide if we can go ahead with the project.

6. Following a lengthy investigation, they decided that the company was guilty.

7. What do you get if you add up all the odd numbers between 1 and 100?.

8. Despite the weather, supplies of food after the harvest were plentiful.

9. There are very rigid laws regarding building on green belts around a city.

10. I've noticed a slight difference in his attitude over the last few weeks.

11. The villagers have designed a sophisticated device for turning dirty water into clean drinking water.

12. The spices used in the production of some international dishes have a very strong flavour.

13. The blackness of the night was broken by a strong orange light which was visible on the horizon.

14. Student attendance at extra-curricular activities is voluntary.

15. Most students say they are willing to attend classes on Saturday morning.

16. The tornado caused localised damage.

17. He made his fortune by importing cheap perfume and clothing material.

18. People with mild allergies to dust were advised to remain indoors and close their windows.
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  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан cherrycooks23

    Відповідь:1. The terms and conditions on the contract are clear.

    2. According to the people who knew him, he was a very reluctant person to work with.

    3. I had never seen a dancer who was so clumsy.

    4. The changes he made were beneficial to the organisation as a whole.

    5. We need exact figures before we decide if we can go ahead with the project.

    6. Following a lengthy investigation, they decided that the company was guilty.

    7. What do you get if you add up all the even numbers between 1 and 100?

    8. Despite the weather, supplies of food after the harvest were plentiful.

    9. There are very stringent laws regarding building on green belts around a city.

    10. I've noticed a marked difference in his attitude over the last few weeks.

    11. The villagers have designed a graceful device for turning dirty water into clean drinking water.

    12. The spices used in the production of some international dishes have a very pungent flavor.

    13. The blackness of the night was broken by a strong orange light which was visible on the horizon.

    14. Student attendance at extra-curricular activities is voluntary.

    15. Most students say they are reluctant to attend classes on Saturday morning.

    16. The tornado caused widespread damage.

    17. He made his fortune by importing cheap perfume and clothing material.

    18. People with mild allergies to dust were advised to remain indoors and close their windows.


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