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A Nice Day
1.Прочитати текст.
Dan’s family is not big. He lives with his mother and father. Dan’s father is usually very busy at work. He is free only at weekends and he always spends them with his son and wife.
On Sunday Dan woke up and looked at the clock. It was nine. He got up and his mother called him for breakfast. After breakfast Dan and his father went for a walk to the park. There they saw a squirrel and played with it.
When they came home they had lunch. Then mother said that there was an interesting film on TV. “I’d like to watch it very much,” said Dan. In the evening Dan was busy. He wrote a letter to his friend who lives in Manchester. It was a very nice day!
2. Прочитати питання. Записати у пропуски поряд з питаннями короткі відповіді.
Приклад: 0. How many people are there in Dan’s family? three__________
1. When does Dan spend time with his father?_____________________________
2. What time did Dan get up on Sunday?__________________________________
3. Where did Dan and his father see a squirrel?_____________________________
4. What did Dan want to watch on TV?___________________________________
5. When did Dan write a letter to his friend?_______________________________