Размещено 8 месяцев назад по предмету
Английский язык
от rombro333
7 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences. 0 Why don't we goy going to the cinema? 1 What do you / would you like to eat? 2 I'd prefer/rather to stay at home tonight, if that's OK. 3 A You're breaking up, Dan! B Sorry, what I asked you was/is, when are you leaving? 4 From what you've said, the film looks/sounds really boring. 5 It was great hearing / to hear from you. 6 I was wondering if/when you'd like to come to my party. 7 I really enjoyed meet/meeting your family last week. 8 The teacher spoke angry / angrily to Martin. 9 Sorry, I didn't catch/listen what you said. 10 We'll see you / us later!