Размещено 8 месяцев назад по предмету Английский язык от Sashaaaa46

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Psychology is the scientific study of behaviour and mental processes in
humans and animals. The goals of psychology are to describe, predict, explain and
control behaviour.
Behaviour includes those activities of an organism which can be directly
observed or recorded. Mental processes are cognitive operations which can be
directly known only by the experiencing person, for example thinking, perceiving,
dreaming. Some mental processes operate outside of conscious awareness and
are called non-conscious or unconscious. They may include problem solving or
Psychology appeared as a science in the late 19th century. Historically it
was influenced by Chinese philosophers such as Confucius and Greek philosophers
such as Socrates and Aristotle.
In 1879, Wilhelm Wundt developed the first scientific psychology laboratory.
Wundt used the approach that became known as structuralism. It emphasized
the importance of conscious thought and classification of the mind’s structures
and elements of consciousness (sensations, images, feelings).
In the United States, William James used functionalism, the approach
that emphasized the study of the functions of the mind and behaviour in adapting
to environment. Mental phenomena were called processes or functions (thinking,
feeling, perceiving). This school gave ideas of modern applied psychology.
In 1900 Freud created psychoanalysis. This approach emphasized
the importance of thoughts and motives which are unconscious but strongly
influence behaviour. Freud’s theory of personality dynamics has been applied to
development, abnormal behaviour, and psychotherapy. A group of psychologists, including John Watson, used the approach that
emphasized scientific study of stimuli and responses. This approach is called
behaviorism. It dominated American psychology from the 1920s to the 1950s.
The experimental psychology, research technology helped to show the
importance of neurobiological factors in behaviour. The use of computers as
models for human intelligence helped popularize the field known as cognitive

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан LexaltofArrival

    Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes in humans and animals.

    The goals of psychology are to describe, predict, explain, and control behavior.

    Behavior encompasses observable or recordable activities of an organism.

    Mental processes are cognitive operations known only by the experiencing person, such as thinking, perceiving, and dreaming.

    Some mental processes operate outside of conscious awareness and are termed non-conscious or unconscious, including problem solving or emotions.

    Psychology emerged as a science in the late 19th century, influenced by Chinese and Greek philosophers.

    Wilhelm Wundt established the first scientific psychology laboratory in 1879, focusing on structuralism, which emphasized conscious thought and classification of the mind's structures.

    William James introduced functionalism in the United States, which stressed studying the functions of the mind and behavior in adapting to the environment.

    Sigmund Freud created psychoanalysis in 1900, emphasizing unconscious thoughts and motives that strongly influence behavior, especially in personality dynamics, development, abnormal behavior, and psychotherapy.

    John Watson and others promoted behaviorism, emphasizing the scientific study of stimuli and responses, dominating American psychology from the 1920s to the 1950s.

    Experimental psychology and research technology highlighted the importance of neurobiological factors in behavior.

    The use of computers as models for human intelligence popularized cognitive psychology.

  2. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан alinochkaaaakoval


    1. Psychology is the scientific study of behaviour and mental processes in humans and animals.

    2. The goals of psychology are to describe, predict, explain, and control behaviour.

    3. Behaviour includes activities that can be directly observed or recorded.

    4. Mental processes are cognitive operations, such as thinking, perceiving, and dreaming, known only to the experiencing person.

    5. Some mental processes operate outside of conscious awareness, called non-conscious or unconscious.

    6. Рsychology appeared as a science in the late 19th century.

    7. Influences included Chinese philosophers like Confucius and Greek philosophers like Socrates and Aristotle.

    8. In 1879, Wilhelm Wundt developed the first scientific psychology laboratory and introduced structuralism.

    9. William James in the United States used functionalism, studying the functions of the mind and behaviour in adapting to the environment.

    10.In 1900, Freud created psychoanalysis, emphasizing unconscious thoughts and motives influencing behaviour.

    11. Behaviorism, emphasizing the scientific study of stimuli and responses, dominated American psychology from the 1920s to the 1950s.

    12. Experimental psychology and research technology highlighted the importance of neurobiological factors in behaviour.

    13. The use of computers as models for human intelligence helped popularize cognitive psychology.



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