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Английский язык
от zaharkadeacenko
ДАЮ 100 баллов СРОЧНО/ Sample questions and mark scheme Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the term 4 I-variant Listening Task 1. Listen and choose between A, B or C. 1. What might future clothes have more of? a) Old-fashioned styles b) High-tech features c) Cheap prices 2. What could future fabrics be good for? a) Helping the environment b) Making clothes rare c) Making lots of copies cheaply 3. How might future clothes be smart? a) They don't care about comfort b) They're only made by hand c) They can change to suit you 4. What might be cool about future accessories? a) They have smart tools in them b) They stick to old designs c) They're all the same and not special 5. What might future clothes be all about? a) Everyone wearing the same thing b) Being made just for you c) Ignoring the planet's health 6. How might you shop for clothes in the future? a) Having no options to choose from b) Going to boring regular shops c) Using cool virtual reality