Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от andrejsorokin

Find some information about two or three creatures that live in the nearest lake, river or sea and write a short article about them for a leaflet.

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан irochkalady19
    Swans - migratory birds . They are considered a symbol of beauty , purity, nobility. Argued that swans pair connected for life, and they can not live without each other.      Swan neck in the form of the Latin letter S. The body length of 1.8 m on the legs swimming membranes . Beak equal in length to the head. Swans are white and black . Black live in Australia.     In Russia lives mute swan . He excrescence on the beak black . Occurs in Western Siberia.      Whooper swan lives everywhere except tundra. Arrive at breeding sites in April. Dwell in the large lakes whose shores overgrown with reeds . Build nests near the water , and inside is lined with mother down. The female lays 5-7 eggs hatched 40 days. Male protects his family from enemies. He is very aggressive : attacking all those passing by the nest.     Feed in shallow water, because they can not dive. Feed on aquatic plants that grow in water or swamp , insects , larvae , worms , frogs , fish. Food take out , plunging neck in water. Pluck from the bottom of the plant and on the nose fumble silt . Nose like a sieve : water will come out , and all the animals remain.     Do swans have enemies : the golden eagle, osprey river . They attack the adult swans.      Swans chicks begin to swim and search for food as soon as born. When lebedyata tired and can not go for my mother, they climb on her back to rest. After 9 months of growing up chicks leave the family of their parents.      Paws swans are not designed to walk , so the water - the element of swans. They are heavy birds, because this can not immediately take off and make a run, plucked legs and flap their wings 15-20 meters, and only then take off.      Unfortunately, because of the meat , feathers, fluff people hunt these birds . In Russia, the hunt swans prohibited.     Swans fly to Africa in October , they will have to overcome long distances. Let's wish them Godspeed and a safe return home.
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