Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от zhenyasnitko20

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Reporter спрашивает Bill Murray's
Where did you buy your first newspaper? - I bought my first newspaper a year ago. It doesn't mean I head never read a newspaper before that.
Did you use to read any newspapers before that? - When I was younger I usually read the newspapers my parents got or bought.
How often do you read it? - It is delivered to my door every weekend.So now I have my own source of news. And as it is a huge newspaper which consists of dozens of pages, I read it from Sunday to next Saturday.
Have you always been happy with it? - I have been reading my newspaper for a year and I have always been happy with it. It provides me with a balanced view of the world.
What do you like most about your newspaper? - It includes an amazing sports page! It's the first thing I read. But don't quote me on that!
Do you think it will always remain interesting? - I hope it will remain as interesting and unbiased as it is now.
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  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан Juliyasha11

    The reporter asked Bill Murray where he had bought his first newspaper. Bill said he had bought his first newspaper a year before and added it didn’t mean he never read a newspaper before that.

    The reporter asked Bill if he had used to read some newspapers before that. Bill said when he had been younger he usually read the newspapers his parents had got or bought.

    The reporter asked Bill how often he read it. Bill said it was delivered to his door every weekend , so then he had his own source of news. Bill added that as it was a huge newspaper which consisted of dozens of pages, he read it from Sunday to the next Saturday.

    The reporter asked Bill if he had always been happy with it. Bill answered that he had been reading his newspaper for a year and he had always been happy with it. Bill said it provided him with a balanced view of the world.

    The reporter asked Bill what he liked most about his newspaper. Bill said it included an amazing sports page and added it was the first thing he read. Bill asked the reporter not to quote him on that.

    The reporter asked Bill if he thought it would always remain interesting. Bill said he hoped it would remain as interesting and unbiased as it was then.

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