Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от nenchik22

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told his father, “I have lost my notebook”.

2.     Henry
said to me, “I didn’t throw stones at your dog”.

3.     I
told the policeman, “I saw the thief in the garden”.

4.     He
said, “I have eaten nothing for two days”.

5.     Mary
said, “I don’t want to wear this dress”.

6.     My
mother said to me, “I feel very tired, and I have a headache”.

7.     My
friend told me, “We have plenty of time to do our work”.

8.     I
said to my sister, “George has written me a long letter”.

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан Polichka2014
    1.     Jack told his father that he had lost his notebook.
    2.     Henry told me that he had not
    thrown stones at your dog.
    3.     I told the policeman that I had seen the thief in the garden.
    4.     He said that he had eaten nothing for two days.
    5.     Mary said that she didn’t want to wear this dress.
    6.     My mother said to me that she felt very tired, and she had a headache.
    7.     My friend told me that we had plenty of time to do our work.
    8.     I told my sister that George had written me a long letter.

    1. Ответ на вопрос
      Ответ на вопрос дан Аккаунт удален
      my brother didn't never travel by train.
      2.have you ever been to the United Kingdom?
      3.i am cleaning my room.we are going for a walk now.
      4.there were three wolf in the Wild Animal's Park.
      5.why are these girls crying now?
      6.there is a new table in the room,isn't it?
      7.Mr.Smith's brothers are policemen sister wants to be librarian.
    2. Ответ на вопрос
      Ответ на вопрос дан Аккаунт удален
      .my brother doesn't ever travel by train.
      2.Have you ever been to the United Kingdom?
      3.i have cleaned my room. We can go for a walk now.
      4.there were three wolves in the Wild Animal's Park.
      5.why are these girls crying now?
      6.there is a new table in the room, isn’t there?
      7.Mr.Smith's brothers are policemen. sister wants to be a librarian.
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