Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от РадужныйКот

Present Simple  -  Present Continuous
Task 1. Choose either Present Simple or Present Continuous in the following sentences.He`s in the bathroom. I ……..(to think) he ……(to wash) his hair.Can I speak to your parents, please? – I`m sorry, they (to have) lunch at the moment.I usually (to cook) meals, my brother (to wash) dishes.Mr. Anderson (to be) an English tourist who (to travel) to Eastern Europe tomorrow. Just now he (to have) breakfast at home. After breakfast he (to go out) to do a lot of things.She`s a school teacher. She (to teach) Maths.I (to wear) glasses only for reading and watching TV.On Sunday they (to have) dinner at a restaurant.Oh, I (to go) to work as a nurse in Africa, in Kenya and I (to look) forward to it because it`s such an exotic country for me.Some pupils are outside. They (to try) to get in.The weather (to be) terribly today.You can`t miss him. He (to wear) a white jacket and he  (to carry) a striped umbrella.We (to wear) woolen clothes in winter.We (to organize) a holiday walking tour in the North of Scotland. We (to go) to cover 150 miles of mountainous country in ten days. It (to go) to be a hard work. We ( to go) to be wet, cold and tired a lot of the time. But it (to go) to be fun!It (to rain) again.

Task 1. Put the verb into Past Simple.Regular verbs (V+ed)
Bob (start) his job two years ago.We (study) English with new teacher last week.They (not to finish) their work only at 9 o`clock last night.Ann (graduate) from the university last year.We (visit) Rome in Italy last month.He (not to work) for the BBC company for three years.She (walk) home yesterday after party.They (not to travel) around the Russian Federation by coach.Sally (answer) telephone calls yesterday.My friend`s family (not to live) in Canada two years ago.
Task 2 Ask questions.They played computer games yesterday.Did………………………………………..When…………………………………………Where…………………………………………..What………………………………………..Why……………………………………..Who…………………………………………….I washed the floor in my room two days ago.Did ……………………………………What…………………………………..Why………………………………..When………………………………….The bus arrived at 9 o`clock.What………………………………………..When…………………………..The Smiths rested very well last night.Who……………………………….What………………………………..When……………………………….How …………………………….5. She cooked a delicious pie for dinner.Did…………………………………………..What kind of………………………..Who ……………………………Why ……………………………

TO BE:Task 1. Put the verb to be in the Past Simple
1. My aunt ….. depressed last Sunday.
2. The weather …. Terrible?
3. It ….. cold and rainy?
4. Her husband ….. not at home.
5. He ……. At the hospital because he ……  ill.
6.  His children …….not at school.
7. They ……. Not in the yard, they…… in the living room.
8. The TV ……. Broken?9
. The children …… not only upset, they …….. very angry.
10. The neighbours ………   not happy because her children ……. too noisy.

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан Juliyasha11
    Task 1
    think, is washing, are having, cook, washes, is, is travelling,is having, goes out, teaches, wear, have,am going, am looking , are trying, wears,carries , wear, are organizing, are going, is going, are going, is going, is raining.

    Task 1
    started, studied, didn't finish, graduated, visited, didn't work, walked, didn't travel, answered, didn't live.

    Task 2
    Did they play computer games yesterday?
    When did they play computer games?
    Where did they play computer games yesterday?
    What did they do yesterday?
    Why did they play computer games yesterday?
    Who played computer games yesterday?

    Did I (you) wash the floor in my ( your) room two days ago?
    What did you do two days ago?
    Why did you wash the floor in your room two days ago?
    When did you wash the floor in your room?

    What arrived at 9 o'clock?
    When did the bus arrive?

    Who rested very well last night?
    What did the Smiths do last night?
    When did the Smiths rest very well?
    How did the Smiths rest last night?

    Did she cook a delicious pie for dinner?
    What kind of pie did she cook for dinner?
    Who cooked a delicious pie for dinner?
    Why did she cook a delicious pie?

    TO BE: Task 1
    1 was
    2 was the weather terrible?
    3 was it cold or rainy?
    4 wasn't
    5 was, was
    6 weren't
    7 weren't, were
    8 was the TV set broken?
    9 weren't, were
    10 weren't, were
Не тот ответ на вопрос, который вам нужен?
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