Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от Pavel273

Переделать из активного в пассивный залог.1. General contractors build residental, industrial and commercial buildings.
2. They were specializing in one type of construction at that time.
3. They have just obtained some orders for their work from the general contractor.
4. The electricians installed the building electrical systems last week.
5. The insulation workers had covered structures with insulating materials by the end of the week.
6. the plumbers are maintaining many different types of pipe systems now.
7. The plasterers will aply concrete to exterior walls in a week.
8. They will have planned the job by the end of the month.

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан Polichka2014
    1. General contractors build residential, industrial and commercial buildings. - Residential, industrial and commercial buildings are built by general contractors 2. They were specializing in one type of construction at that time. – In one type of construction was being specializing at that time.
    3. They have just obtained some orders for their work from the general contractor. - Some orders for their work from the general contractor have been just obtained.
    4. The electricians installed the building electrical systems last week. - The building electrical systems were installed by the electricians last week.
    5. The insulation workers had covered structures with insulating materials by the end of the week. - Structures with insulating materials had been covered by the insulation workers by the end of the week.
    6. The plumbers are maintaining many different types of pipe systems now. - Many different types of pipe systems are being maintained by the plumbers now.
    7. The plasterers will apply concrete to exterior walls in a week. - Concrete to exterior walls will be applied by the plasterers in a week.
    8. They will have planned the
    job by the end of the month. – The job will have been planned by the end of the month.

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Русский язык - 5 лет назад

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