Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от LOLDan

Passive voice

Change the following sentences into the Passive voice
1.He broke my watch
2.He often asks me to help him
3.She will make a new discovery soon
4.They play tennis all year round
5.The manager will sign contracts tomorrow
6.The teacher explained the rule
7.They usually do written exercises in class
8.Steve will make a report at the conference
9.His friends never forgave his betrayal
10.Somebody calls her every day
Change the sentences with modal verbs into Passive voice
1.She can fihd a job easily.
2.Mr. Black must find his boss.
3.He can buy a new house.
4.We should take care of our planet.
5.You must send for the doctor.
6.They should phone her immediately.
7.I can make an interesting offer to you.
8.She may plant the flowers in the yard.
9.You may ask questions.
10.He must pass three exams.

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан Juliyasha11
    1. My watch was broken by him.
    2. I am often asked to help him.
    3. A new discovery will be made by her soon.
    4. Tennis is played by them all year round.
    5. Contracts will be signed by the manager tomorrow.
    6. The rule was explained by the teacher.
    7. Written exercises are usually done by them in class.
    8. A report will be made by Steve at the conference.
    9. His betrayal was never forgiven by his friends.
    10. She is called by somebody every day.

    1. A job can be found by her easily.
    2. His boss must be found by Mr Black.
    3. A new house can be bought by him.
    4. Our planet should be taken care of by us.
    5. The doctor must be sent for.
    6. She should be phoned by them immediately.
    7. An interesting offer can be made to you by me.
    8. The flowers may be planted by her in the yard.
    9. Questions may be asked by you.
    10 Three exams must be passed by him.
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