Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от sovushka5

помогите пожалуйста , к завтрашнему дню оочень нужно , ребят(
задание : complet e the sentences below with
words from the box.
building blocks
1 Unfortunately, the growth of cities
often means wildlife is
with extinction.
2 A is an animal that feeds its
babies milk.
3 Farmers that grow like
cereals and vegetables normally have to
work very hard.
4 The smallest, basic structural and functional
unit of life is a
5 Serious illnesses are known as ..
6 What something is made of is its
Z It's amazing how animals can
to changes in their living conditions.
8 There are many different
of butterfly.
9 Humankind's actions have often had a
negative effect on the
10 The most basic parts of something can be
called . Сам текст :I am writing this letter to welcome all of you
who are about to begin your first year course in
Biology here at the university. You might think
it is a little early for me to ask you to think
about what you will do when you leave here in
three years' time. However, our science, like
any other, has so many different areas it is
impossible for you to study them all. The first
thing you will need to think about is
specialising. This letter is to offer you some
suggestions to think about for your future.
As you know, there are four main areas of
biology that we shall concentrate on in the
coming years. Biology can be divided into
zoology, the study of animal life, and botany,
the study of plant life. We shall also study
molecular biology, the study of how the
building blocks of living things, the cells, work.
Another topic of interest is genetics, how
biological information is passed on from one generation to the next: that is, inheritance. You
should specialise, but you will also need to
know about all of these four areas of study.
Plants and animals do not live separately from
each other; all living things are made up of cells
and one of the things genetics tells us is how
plants and animals adapt to the conditions
around them.
So what about after the course is over and you
have graduated in Biology? Can you have a
career in biology? For those who choose to
specialise in genetics or molecular biology
there are important career opportunities in
medicine. At the present time, there is a great
deal of research going on in gene therapy where
biologists are working with doctors and
chemists to find new ways of treating diseases.
Other biologists are looking at ways of changing
the genetic composition of the plants we grow
for food; of making them more able to fight
diseases and at the same time produce
more food.
We are experiencing a period of climatic change
too, and this is having an effect on the way
animals and plants live. The science of ecology
is becoming more and more important;
biologists who specialise in zoology are working
in many parts of the world. Some are working to
protect species like the tiger, which are
seriously threatened by climate change. Others
are investigating wildlife from the smallest
insects to the largest mammals, trying to
understand how they all live together. Botanists
are looking at the effect new types of food crops
have on the environment and how changes in
that area can affect our general health. There is
even a new area of biology called astrobiology,
which is looking at the possibilities of life on
other planets - but perhaps that is something
for the more distant future.
Whatever you specialise in, as long as there is
life on this (or any other) planet, there is work
for a biologist.
Good luck and enjoy your studies!
Jean Shearer
Professor of Biology
Задание 2 : E Comprehension
Read the text and answer the questions
in your own words.
1 What four areas can biology be divided into?
2 If you are interested in cells, which area
should you study?
3 How can zoologists help animals in the wild?
4 In what way can botanists protect people and
the environment?
5 What is astrobiology?

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан joice111
    1) threatened 2) mammal 3) crops 4) cell 5) diseases 6) composition 7) adapt 8) species 9) environment 10) building blocks
    1. Biology can be divided into zoology (the study of animal life), botany (the study of plant life),  molecular biology (the study of how the building blocks of living things, the cells, work) and genetics (how biological information is passed on from one generation to the next)
    2. If you're interested in cells, you should study genetics.
    3. Zoologists work in many parts of the world. Some are trying to protect species, others are investigating wildlife.
    4. Botanists are looking at the effect new types of food crops have on the environement and how changes in that area can affect our general health.
    5. Astrobiology is looking at the possibilities of life on other planets.
    1. Ответ на вопрос
      Ответ на вопрос дан sovushka5
      Спасибо огромное)
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