Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от leraryndevich

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1) can you describe the best holiday in your life?
2) can you describe an interesting/ unusual event from your past?
3) can you describe your ideal holiday?

1) can you describe a country you have visited / want to visit?
2) can you describe traditions and celebrations in some country?
3) can you describe the region you live in?

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан kimu
    1. The best holiday I ever had was when I went to Italy. The food there was amazing, and I met many interesting people. The weather was also quite sunny and clear. I think I would love to go there again in the near future. 
    2. One of the most unusual things that I ever experienced was when I was riding the train in the metro. When the train stopped at the station one of my friends entered. We both thought it was an amazing coincidence! But then it happened again when I was walking outside. I guess it an a small world after all! 
    3. My ideal holiday is probably a holiday where I could have enough money to do anything I would want. My friends would also be with me, and we could have an amazing time with me. I think that would be the most ideal holiday for me. 

    1. A country I have been to before is Japan. Japan is a very unique and interesting country, for it's quite different from other places. There are many unique foods to try out at the local food shops. Beautiful traditional architecture can be seen in many places across the island. Sometimes there are earthquakes, which can be shocking for us foreigners, but for Japanese it is just a normal occurrence! 
    2. In my country there is a tradition on Easter. People paint eggs and eat a cake called "Kulich". 
    2. The region I live in has the city Moscow, which is where I currently live. It sometimes snows and becomes a bit too cold, but nothing compared to Yakutsk!
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Русский язык - 5 лет назад

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