Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от Лерамашина

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    Ответ на вопрос дан Dimon4ik02

    Nowadays people use the computer increasingly more, so it i  a very useful invention which  makes our life easier every day. It obviously has many advantages but there are also some minuses. My personal opinion is that computers have greatly improved the quality of our life.

    On the one hand, computers enable us to reduce the number of books or papers in our jobs .  If you have a powerful computer nowdays, you can store a lot of information in its hard disk. Besides, if you have a portable computer, you can do a lot of thing such as read, type ect. wherever you are. Another advantage is that computers are easier to use than before, because they have too many things to make it work. As a final point, the international network can be quite useful. If you have the Internet access, you will be able to visit millions of websites to gather any kind of information you need.

    On the negative side, the computer might be a serious threat to children. Children mostly use these devices for fun but lots of games teach them to be violent. Moreover, spending too much time in front of the screen is harmful to eyes – more and more young people have to wear glasses! Finally, we all know that the Internet has many advantages but a virus may infect your computer and make you devise useless.

    In conclusion, I can say that computers have had a positive influence on our lives today but we need to be careful about how to use them because they can take over our lives by forcing us to do things which are not really harmless for our health.

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