Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от Halkjh

Постааить предложения в Passive Voice
1. They almost finished the construction of the tunnel.
2. We are discussing the results of the experiment.
3. They used concrete structures while erecting the new railroad bridge. 4. The lorries will bring cement to the construction site after lunch.
5. We don't use this kind of fuel because it is very expensive.
6; Have you already installed the new equipment?
7. They will complete the experiment in a month.
8. The workers have tunnelled the road under the Channel.
9. The mechanic will test the engine when he repairs it.
I0. As a rule, numerous discoveries follow one great discovery.
II. We were finishing the experiment when the device broke down.
12. They also pay much attention to the quality of materials for road construction.
I3. The students asked the engineers about the new construction technologies.
14. Machines of new generation will do all labour-consuming and dangerous work in the future.
15. The International Committee has rewarded our professor, for his outstanding theory.
16. The development of machine-tools accelerated the industrial revolution.

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан alyena2802
    1. The construction of the tunnel was almost finished by them.
    2. T
    he results of the experiment is being discussed by them.
    3.Concrete structures are used while erecting the new railroad bridge.
    4.Cement will be brouhgt by lorries to the construction site after lunch.
    5. This kind of fuel is not used by them because it is very expensive.
    6; Have the new equipment been already 
    7. T
    he experiment will be completed by them in a month.
    8.The road under the Channel 
     have been tunnelled by the workers
    9. The engine will be tested by t
    he mechanic when he repairs it.
    I0. As a rule,  one great discovery is followed with numerous discoveries.
    II. The experiment were being 
    finished when the device broke down.
    12. Muchh attention 
    is also paud to the quality of materials for road construction.
    I3. T
    he engineers were asked by the students about the new construction technologies.
    14. A
    ll labour-consuming and dangerous workwill be done with machines of new generation in the future. 
    15. O
    ur professor has been regarded by the International Committee  for his outstanding theory. 
    16. The industrial revolution  was accelerated  with the development of machine-tools .
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Русский язык - 5 лет назад

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