Размещено 4 года назад по предмету Английский язык от mrpetrov289

Ребят помоги сделать Английский язык.

1. I ... for you for more than one hour.
has waited
was waiting
have been waiting

2. My suggestion is to go for a cocktail.
That’s a great idea.
Yes, I do

3. … he … about the opera before?
had spoken
was speaking
has spoken

4. … you … many cities when you were in France.
did visit
have visited
are visiting

5. What day suits you?
I think we need to target young people.
How about Wednesday?

6. When … in Thailand?
have you arrived
did you arrive

7. Do you like football?
Yes, please.
Yes, I do.

8. … Ricardo drive to work?

9. This office building … a meeting room.
doesn’t have
not have

10. She’s a very … person – she likes to be on time.

11. Yesterday my flight … at about three o’clock in the afternoon.

12. The company … only four people and they all work in one office

13. Mr Albert … to meetings
not go
isn’t go
doesn’t go

14. A. … training to do my job properly.
B. I’m sorry. It’s just not possible.
I need some
Can I have your

15. Now I … for a taxi.
am waiting

16. Karina is … but she lives and works in London.

17. Next week, she’s moving to a new flat because her old one is … from the office.
far enough
too far – выбран этот вариант, который, вероятно, неправильный

18. Last night I … home at 11. I … supper and then … to bed.
came, have had, went
have come, had. went
came, had, went

19. A. … Pascal’s is the best restaurant. The food is delicious.
B. Yes, I agree. The food is great.
What about using
I think

20. And what … now?
do you do
are you doing

21. They … for 20 minutes when his mother came in.
had been talking
were talking

22. Tomorrow at five he … football.
‘ll be playing
‘ll play

23. Can I speak to Jorge Ramos, please?
OK, I’ll take a look at one.
I’m afraid he isn’t in the office today.

24. A. … the target market?
B. It’s aimed at stylish young men who want to look good.
My subject today is

25. A. … credit card details, please?
B. It’s a Master Card. The number is …
What about using
Can I have your

26. I … my breakfast
have already had

27. His grandfather … from his job a year ago.
was retiring
has retired

28. Why don’t you buy a self-study course?
OK, I’ll take a look at one.
Yes, there is

29. What did you learn from your last job?
OK, I’ll take a look at one.
I learned how to be patient

30. I … you later, OK?
‘ll call

  1. Ответ на вопрос
    Ответ на вопрос дан galina572319

    1. have been waiting

    2. That's a great idea

    3. had spoken

    4. Did you visit

    5. How about Wednesday?

    6. did you arrive

    7. yes, I do

    8. does

    9. doesn't have

    10. punctual

    11. landed

    12. employs

    13. doesn't go

    14. I need some

    15. am waiting

    16. Mexican

    17. too far - (слишком далеко)

    18. came, had, went

    19. I think

    20. are you doing

    21. had been talking

    22. 'll be playing

    23. I'm afraid he isn't in the office today.

    24. What's

    25. Can I have your

    26. have already had

    27. retired

    28. Ok, I'll take a look at one.

    29. I learnt how to be a patient.

    30. 'll call

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